my favourite things

  • wwe(tv series)
  • wrestling(real life)
  • exercise
  • cars
  • hardy boys book series

which eglish soccer club will win the premier league this year?

Thursday, January 28, 2010

wrestlemaniac!(english assignment)

I am a wrestle maniac and i am proud!Wow,catchy isn't it?Well the history of wrestling knowledge in my family goes down a long time.
My PARENTS used to watch wrestling in the early days!What a shocker,they saw old time favourites,such as hulk hogan and Mr.perfect(you do not need to know).Wrestling in those days was quite different than the wrestling of today as the olden wrestling was more of the wrestling than entertainment.For example,superstars won based on talent,and not storyline.Although there was a little storyline to spice up the action in those days,it is vise versa in the present wrestling empire of today.From,world wide wrestling federation(the early days),to world wrestling federation(i started watching wrestling as a small child already),to the current world wrestling entertainment,the wrestling legacy has transpired into the dream of every one's heart
my brothers started watching wrestling earlier than me,duh because they are 7 and 12 years older,respectively.They brought the wrestling fever into my young mind when i was just three when i moved in to my new house.Then,it was called world wrestling federation.So as a young child i saw blood,violence and pain week in and week out until i got used to me and just transcended into my blood as from puking,i started to enjoy the show.Then,wrestling was a little obscene(you do not need to know)and vulgar but i did not understand it as i was too young.Soon,the older batch of superstars that i had admired,loved and known moved away to become movie stars and retire.That was when the new generation of superstars moved in.Although they had a hard time then,now they are the role models,leaders and the best of the best now.

Once the company changed its name to world wrestling entertainment(WWE),soon it went to a PG show,with only mild language(i don't mind),and mild violence(terrible,the show had lost its meaning)but the love i have for the tradition of the company and its current stage will never change. But there is one rule my brothers and i have broken constantly.Before the show starts they will advertise in big words,"even these superstars end up seriously injured,so please don't try this at home".But we have been wrestling for a decade.

I have cried,screamed and withered in pain several times and so have my brothers,we had minor cuts and injuries.As advertised the injuries can get serious and it had happened a few times.For example,i had bone injuries that lasted up to weeks,my brother could not walk properly for a few days and i even have an hip injury that lasts till today(shh!don't tell my mother)and many more.Well it can be dangerous as i have fought a ladder match(WWE,trademark)jumped off it and onto my brother,used wooden chairs and much more.We have broken countless item,such as beds,cupboards,chairs,mirrors,drawers(several times and got our fair share of punishment)
Although it might be excruciating,disturbing ,dangerous,i will always love wrestling and it is very important to me and is my way of life and an ever burning passion.I have been a wrestle maniac for the past 11 years and will always be a wrestle maniac!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

eh boy!detention!(english assignment)

Its not like an everyday sentence that you would expect to hear is it?Well, it certainly is to all Victorians because we do hear it every day!Well,first i have to credit Mr chia for being an inspiration to this blog entry.He is our 60 year old discipline master(if I'm not wrong).No Victorian wants to get caught by him if you are doing something wrong.Mr chia is like an radar for bad attitude.He is probably the main reason why Victoria school is one of the top and is well disciplined.He does have a happy side though(a side rarely,if not never seen or used).But you don't want to get caught by him when he is in a bad mood....unfortunately for me,i did get caught.

It all started on a nonsensical,annoying work and stress filled week loaded with homework and my inability to stitch for home economics.One stupid edusave form made me get detention!!!Oh how i hate that piece of paper.OK,now lets not get carried away in anger and unleash our "verbal diarrhoea",as said by our form teacher,the"extremely good looking" Mr Robin Peter Hamilton(the third).

First i forgot to have the form signed by my parents for the first two days.Hey,i couldn't help it,too much homework.Then i got it signed but didn't bring it for two days.(holy cow!)My teacher,though quite infuriated,gave me one more chance.But the next day,i really blew it,big time!The first thing i remembered when i got home was that i should let my mother sign the form.I immediately changed and started to find the form.And i was finding the form,finding,finding oh and what a surprise,after 20 minutes,i was still finding it!!

I lost it!Well lets face it,i made a mistake and just when i took responsibility,fate turned against me and i lost the paper.I faced my fears the next day and told the teacher,ha ha!What a scolding i got.He finally gave me a new slip and asked me to get it signed if not,well you will see later as yes indeed,i left it in school and spent a hour searching for it.That's it,my final chance and i blew it.Good thing i didnt tell my mother and saved a few hours of nagging.Well after you know what,i was sentenced to a three hour detention.I was brought to Mr chia to face the music.

Detention started.Badly,as i was the prime subject of Mr chia.Every time he came out he scolded me badly for minor reasons.I took my gigantic maths book to do homework.That was when the saddest part of the story ocurred.The form was under the book.Then,i remembered my mother telling me about her signing the form the first day it was given and that she had put it in the front part of my bag....

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

A perfect day(english assignment)

Have you ever had a dream of a perfect day?Well if you did,you would probably think that it would never happen.Well i would have thought the same thing too if i never had that perfect day,I but did on a particular Sunday,a few weeks back.....

The day before,i was watching my favourite TV program:WWE till 12 am.I loved the show as it was unpredictable,action packed and all my favourite wrestlers were fighting against each other. I was extremely satisfied and pleased with the results and didn't feel sleepy at all,that was,until i switched off the TV.The feeling of the fact that i could wake up late the next day is just awesome.I brushed my teeth and fell on the bed like a log.
Eventually...i woke up the next day still having the excitement and enjoyment linger in my was such a perfect day,with the glorious orange sun,the nice morning air and the feeling of having no homework for the whole weekend.Every minute seemed like an hour,in a good way.watching spongbob episodes followed by avatar:the last air bender.Well i have to say,many people regard spongebob squarepants cartoon as stupid and childish.Well you know what,i don't agree with them.It isn't a stupid show,it is the craziest,most nonsensical stupid cartoon ever witnessed by mankind and that is the secret to its success.Which youngster would want to find a meaning and a point in a cartoon?

Well anyway,back to my perfect day then.Well after watching TV,i played my PS2 for five hours straight,completed my soccer game and just then my brother,who had just woken up,,brushed his teeth and asked me to play our wrestling game with him.Well of course i couldn't resist the challenge, i agreed.Well after some wins and defeats,we got rougher as the competition grew tougher. Finally,it ended up with me losing,my brother teasing me,and me attacking him from behind.This is one of my favourite pastimes ever,wrestling.we fought for more then a hour or perhaps two.We were battered,bruised,worn out and bleeding from minor cuts,and i loved every single millisecond of it.and what made it better was that there was no parents to stop us as they had gone out.

Well after that,my cousins came to my house for a while.We talked,played and spent our time enjoyably.That was when the real fun started.Finding that such a perfect day should not be spent at home fully,we went to the beach.First,we went cycling.then we ate an early dinner.Then,we did a thing that i had always wanted to do.Watch the sunset.I cannot describe the joy i experienced during that splendid work of mother nature.I was just staring in awe and surprise at its beauty.Well there was something i wanted more than watching the sunset,it was watching the sunset and sunrise in the same day.But it was impossible for me to do it as i had already already watched the sunset first,so i had to wait till the next day to catch the sunrise.With that thought i suddenly found myself watching the sunrise in the morning.Well i didn't even remember when i slept.As i thought deeper,i realised how things hadn't made sense at all.why did my cousins show up,where did they go,when did i even sleep after the sunset and my parents were supposed to be home.All this thoughts ringed in my head.

Then,i woke up from my dream.Well i guess there never be a perfect day after all!

Monday, January 25, 2010

A SBS mayhem!

a SBS mayhem
doesn't the title sound odd yet scary?

well it was very unusual to me as i was challenged by the universe time and time again when i tried to attend my friend birthday party.waking up was one of the problems that i faced,but the rest was jut plain creepy.well i will summarise the overly coincidental incident to you.

24Th of January,2010.
thankfully,it was a Sunday as i slept really late after watching my favourite TV series:WWE.Even after wrapping up his present and receiving tons of phone calls from my Friend,who apparently regarded me as an important guest to his party,i still forgot about it and set my alarm clock to 11am when the party was starting at 9 am!how was i supposed to go to Jurong west when i live in Tampines east in so little time or as i should say,no time at all!

well after waking up from the ringing of the phone,sadly i did not wake up from the alarm.after talking to an angry birthday boy and slapping me in the face as i woke up at 12pm,i put on a nice shirt,gulped down Milo,and ran out of the house to take the bus without even bathing.I missed the bus there by 10 seconds and passed about the bus stop nervously.after 20 miserable minutes,the bus showed up,unfortunately full and so was the bus stop that i was standing in.i tried squeezing in but to on avail,the passengers were already packed like sardines in a can.after another 20 dreadful minutes,the bus showed was already 1 pm.

i arrived at the bus interchange and scurried to the MRT station only to realise that i had missed the train.after another 15 minutes,the train arrived,also full.fortunately,i managed to squeeze in.when i arrived at Jurong,it was already 2.15pm."i am so dead ",i said to myself.this really sounds like a story doesn't it?well it wasn't a story to me.amazingly,the universe wanted to take out the remaining part of the happiness that i had left by making the next bus i had to take late too,by half an hour!.eventually,i got on the bus at 3 pm.every stop at the traffic light seemed like 10 to 15 minutes to me.sadly,i am not exaggerating or being sarcastic as it really did take that long due to a traffic jam.finally,i reached the void deck under my friend's then,my phone was already flooded with text messages.many thoughts such as how i screwed up my friend's birthday party flashed in my mind.he was really looking forward to my presence and was secretly hinting me about what he wanted for his birthday present.just then,it hit my mind.

i forgot to bring his birthday present.

could this day get any worse??

Sunday, January 24, 2010


A choir mishap,oh my god it is an choir mishap.This does not sound really scary does it?well,to me it definitely did.

this inciddent occured on the 23rd of january 2010.

i woke up quickly and the sun was shining brightly as the white fluffy clouds waltzed past it.ha-ha,of course that was not what happened.hello?this is not a fairytale you know!which 13-year old boy who likes to be fit,loves wrestling and make other people grimace in agony,would like to be in a choir?definitely not me because i mistook the timing of the practice by half an hour late!

i threw my water bottle,choir file into my bag and then some biscuits and a cup of milo into my mouth and ran down to meet me male/female friend emmanuel alexander junior raj at the bus stop to go to was an special practice as we had to practice with our student leader alone(just the two of us!).i hated that day as our student leaders kind of hated us for our "wonderful"singing talent.

sadly,we arrived early,at 11.10am,20 minutes before actual practice,so as we thought,and started chatting.out of the blue,the more the more emotional,talkative,strict,one of my student leader's head popped out of the room door(trust me,it was not an happy face)."do you guys know how late you are?!?"he exclaimed.we were stumped,initially i thought that it was some kind of a joke. but as we came in and put our bags down,he boomed,"knock it down!"with and face that was supposed to look like a terrifying disclipine master but ended up looking like an old man who hasn't gone to the toilet in days.well,after 20 push ups,we started to sing.(or tried to)but sadly,our pounding heartbeats made a better and louder sound then eventually my student leader asked us to get out before even half the actual timing of the practice was over. and we were more than happy to get out of that hell of a room and back to the outside world.

we came out looking like a baby who had his lollipop snatched away from him.but wierdly,we both suddenly laughed at the same time,and speaking of coincidence,how could we have both mistaked the timing as 11.30 am when it was 11 am?.the ironic part of this story is that we actually chatted outside the room for 15 minutes before the whole inciddent had would you feel if this had happened to you?